Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So we lost our internet yesterday because somehow we used it all up. Ya, they have limits to how much internet we get to use over here...LAME! Now, I won't have internet until December 3rd :(

I just completed the bibliography of 2 of my papers, and I'm going to hand them in now. It feels like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, but I still have a final to get prepared for and one more 2,000 word paper. My work load isn't too bad now.

I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Of course we don't get a day off here because they don't celebrate it, but I'm skipping my one class tomorrow because I have to be home to make sure the turkey is delicious and cooking well. I hope that goes well.

I'm going to Germany on Friday! I hope it's fun. It should be; I'm just worried that we won't have enough time to actually see Germany...I'll let you all know how it went once I get back :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Wish I could be home for it! Miss and love you all!

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