Friday, September 19, 2008

First Field Trip

Today we were given a tour of Canterbury and the Canterbury Cathedral. There was a lot of standing and listening, but I learned quite a bit and took some sweet pictures. The cathedral on campus is just breath taking. I can't wait to go visit the other castles and cathedrals on our other field trips that are more famous and extravagant. The details and amount of work that must have been done on this cathedral is mind boggling. I could just sit there and stare at different parts of it for hours.

There are countless little shops, pubs, restaurants, tea/coffee places here. I've been into town about 3 times already and there are so many things I haven't even gone in yet.

I'm writing from the Mcdonalds that is about 10 minutes walk away from my flat. Their double cheeseburgers/fries are nothing compared to back at home. It's so easy to eat healthy here though. I bought a few things from Mcdonalds that ended up being like 4 pounds ($8!!). The healthier selections are so much cheaper, and I think that's why fast food business in other countries isn't as strong as in the states.

Everyone around my age here is so metro. I would say 90% of the guys style their hair in crazy fashions, and it looks like everyone dresses up. It's not a problem at all, but their style is very different here. What people may where to a club at home is what people wear on the streets here (but just a little more conservative). For instance, we were walking on campus today, and this girl's butt cheeks were basically hanging out of her mini skirt.

Everyone is so much more intimate and open here. I LOVE IT. People are very touchy and talk about anything and everything. One thing I noticed is that I haven't talked to anyone that wants McCain in office. Everyone so far is a MAJOR Obama supporter. I thought that was also interesting how much they knew about our politics.

I really can't say much now since my battery is going to die. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers please! Tomorrow some friends and I are thinking about going to the coast to see the ocean etc. since it's only about an hour ride away.


1 comment:

Daaa...Jerija? said...

Jeff I just left a comment and then you posted a new blog! We are on at the same time! Love you!