Tuesday, October 21, 2008


You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.

-Frederick Buechner, Telling the Truth

I found that quote in the book The Shack that my lovely friend Terese bought for me to read over here. I miss her so much too! I thought it basically said what I would say to all of you back at home; it took the words right out of my mouth so I had to post it on here. It was an excellent book, and I can't wait to see if they make a movie out of it. It definitely left me with the impression that things could always be worse then what they are.
Today, I received a card from my mom, and it was so sweet; I didn't realize she missed me that much! Love and miss you momma! The card made my eyes tear up :(
I was supposed to see this comedy hypnotist at school right now, but since I had to register for classes, I would only have been there for about 30 minutes, and it would have cost me 2 pound 50 so it wasn't worth it. I can't believe I have to register for classes for next semester already! I'll be home before you know it people!
Our field trip this weekend is a 2 day trip to Codswold, Bath, Oxford, Lacock, and Stonehenge. I'm very excited for it too! It should be lots of fun.
I don't really have anything else to say. I read that quote from that book like 3 weeks ago and kept forgetting to post it on here, but I remembered to bring the book with me and post it finally!
Miss and love you all so much! I'm posting another picture from France on here. It's me and the Mona Lisa! Gross picture of me though :(


Anonymous said...

what's your name on Skype? lauren and i both have it now.

Unknown said...

You and Mona make a hot couple-

Jeffrey Bania said...

my skype name is jtbania but i don't have internet now but i should on halloween!

Gracie-Lou said...

that sounds like a neat book! I'll have to look into it