Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'M GOING TO PARIS TOMORROW! I'm so freaking excited too! It's going to be amazing. I'm really excited for the tour of Versailles or however you spell that. It's the castle where I think Mary Antoinette lived etc...So cool.

The State of Matter show I went to on Monday was...stupid...I was so excited for it, and it was basically worse than an episode of So You Think You Can Dance. It was just these 8 guys dancing the whole time, and then it would get really cool where they would start to breakdance, but then some would start to do ballet or just bad interpretive dance, and it would just go downhill. It was a waste of money, but it was something to do.

Tuesday was a really good day because I got my care package from my momma. Makes me miss her even more, but there were plenty of wonderful things in there. Thanks momma!

Last night, we had a little beer pong party then went out to BAA Bars. I love that place so much. I had a blast. This morning though my roommate Emma called me because we all got letters under our door about being too loud, and if we keep being loud we could possibly be kicked out. It has to be our one roommate Julia from Romania that complained. Pisses me off...she is gone the whole entire day and comes home between 9pm-12am then expects everyone to just be quiet. It's not even like we're having parties everyday; sometimes we could just be hanging out in the kitchen with friends after dinner and be talking and she'll get mad and come down and yell at us. I think she should just move out, but the next time I see her I'm just going to whisper when I talk to her because she seems to have ears like a dog if she hears us from all the way on the third floor...ugh

Anyway, it's kind of upsetting to see my planner and how the rest of my time is spent here because it's just going to fly by since there is basically some trip every weekend. Oh well...I'm definitely coming back here in the future. Hopefully some of my friends will visit Chicago so I can show them around too!

That's about it for now. I have class at 5, and then I'm going to go to ASDA and see if they have little shampoo travel bottles or something, then pack, then pass out because we have to be at the train station at 7:45am tomorrow!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend while I'm in Paris...jealous? Cause you should be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

jeffymcjeffjeff I can't believe you have yet to recieve my care package. That son of a Bitch should be there by now. I also feel like I should be mentioned in each one of your blogs just so I can feel like Im in on the action and you still love and want to marry me. Work on that.